Tips & Tricks To Choose The Right Tech Stack [Updated-2023]

12 min readMay 20, 2021



The popularity of every great web or mobile based application depends upon how versatile and how much of an intuitive feeling it gives. Every software company, be it a 2 people startup to a global conglomerate which has offices in multiple countries, attribute their success solely to their product. The DNA of a great product depends upon the various tools and languages used to make it succesful.

Every software company is unique in its origins and each company is created to solve a specific problem. There are companies which are in the same field which provide the same service but have uniqueness built into them through their tech stack, culture and business model.

There is a demand many niche applications; it could be mobile or web application or both. Adding to this, many of the new and upcoming entrepreneurs don’t have a technical background. The lack of technical background didn’t stop some of the best companies from dominating the global environment, for example Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Steve Jobs of Apple, etc.

The tools required for each application is different. The starting point for every tech entrepreneur, developer or tech architect would be to decide what would be their product and what are the necessary tools to build the product.

The starting point is always daunting and has to be perfectly aligned with the goals of your product. A tech stack includes the languages and tools necessary to build the mobile or native application. If a company wants to exclusively focus on building a web based application then they would need to hire developers who have the proficiency in working with front end based tech stacks such as HTML, Javascript and CSS. To focus on building a native application, the organisation should focus on hiring a native mobile developer who has experience in working with native languages such as Swift for iOS, React Native, etc.

Why Do We Need Tech Stacks?

Web applications are developed in such a way that they are highly responsive and have become increasingly interactive. Websites are developed using widgets which make them perform at a much better rate. They are constantly expected to perform and deliver at a higher quality as is expected when using a mobile device based application. There is a constant pressure which every software company faces to develop new and better methods to deliver the latest applications while simultaneously providing updates to their products.

The typical tech stack of combining Javascript, CSS and HTML is no longer the viable option for most companies as they need to be up to date with different languages to stay ahead. JavaScript and its JSX and ES6 has an advantage over other languages due to its inherent ability to bring multiple technologies under the same system. Developers have the capacity to use JavaScript in front-end development along with having access to its databases. There are multiple tech stacks which a developer can choose. Let’s have a look as we proceed further in this article.

What Are The Best Tech Stacks?

The current tech market has various stacks; the two outliers are the MERN stack and MEAN stack. MERN stack includes MongoDB, Express.JS, React.JS and Node.JS. On the other hand the MEAN stack includes MongoDB, Express.JS, Angular.JS and Node.JS.

The MEAN stack is focused completely on the open source components which are combined together. It is pivoted on providing a framework which gives a complete solution from beginning to end. Meanwhile, the MEAN stack is focused completely on providing web applications which are dynamic on the client side (browser) and on the server side (databases). MEAN is focused on using Javascript and this helps developers to be comfortable in their environment. The environment of MEAN helps developers perform at a higher level as they are used to utilizing similar concepts such as asynchronous calls.

What Is Angular.js?

MEAN stack is build on top of AngularJS. It is a JavaScript based, open- source framework which is maintained by google. It is maintained by a dedicated community of developers and organizations and provides solutions to problems which arise from applications which are based on a single page.

Applications which provide front end solutions have multiple components. They are designed in such a way that each has an HTML template and a typescript code. The capacity to integrate multiple components creates a complex application. The major advantage of Angular is that it has the capacity to enable automatic synchronization of the data. The automatic synchronisation of the data happens through the link between View and the model components where the web pages interact at high speeds. This is due to the fact that data and server are enabled due to the synchronization techniques created using the MVC model.

How Does Angular.js Utilize The MVC Model?

The MVC model stands for Model-View-Controller. This model is used by most projects due to it having industry based standards which makes the projects scalable and also extensible. The major drawback of Angular is that it is very vast and complicated. It takes a developer a lot of time and energy to master the concepts of Angular as it is not an easy framework to learn.

There arises another challenge of different programming techniques which in turn creates variables increasing the difficulty of integrating the components. Angular also suffers from the difficulty of a complex life cycle. It also has poor scalability which in turn affects the performance. The major drawback of Angular comes from lags which is experienced in the UI when there are multiple users. Another drawback which Angular faces is that there is no backward compatibility, making it a tedious job for developers.

What Is Express.js?

Express.js is a framework designed for Node.js. The specialty of Express.js is that it is very minimal in design and is very straight forward. It is extremely fast to use and the framework is specifically designed to be a web application for Node. The features of Express.js increase the efficiency of development of web applications using Node.js.

The various features of Express.js make it super accessible and versatile for web developers to use Node.js to develop applications. The design of Express.js has been made using the middleware module of the Node.js. This middleware module helps with the connection of implements and the https module. This leads to connection of most of the middleware modules which support integration of Express.js.

What are the advantages of Express.js?

  1. Easy- to-use: Express.js is easy to use on any Node.js web-based applications.
  2. Versatility: Express.js stands out from other frameworks by being very versatile, customisable and easy to configure.
  3. Route-maintenance: Express.js allows developers to maintain routes which are based on URLs and standard HTTPs methodlogy.
  4. Middleware modules: Express.js has various middleware modules which can be utilised to create routines for response & requests with templating engines like Vash, EJS, etc which are supported and compatible with the Express.js framework.
  5. Error-handling: Express.js also supports procedures which deal with error-handling which is a feature that serves static files and provides resources making it easier for handling apps.
  6. API Generation: Express.js also supports the API generation of RESTful with the main advantahe being that it connects to databases like MongoDB, MySQL, etc.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a framework used for running backend applications. It is a Javascript runtime environment which is completely based on the Google V8 JS Javascript engine. Node.js provides essential features which include networking protocols like HTTP which helps in developing web applications. Node.js has support for using and installing applications which are third party through the node package manager npm.It is completely asynchronous.

Node.js is a framework which is event-driven as the application makes a query and simultaneously runs other modules without the need of stopping the complete process in wait for a response. It uses the pushback function which enables computing on a parallel level. This pushback function helps Node.js to perform the completed task and push back the results once they are done using the computing on parallel level function.

What are the advantages of using Node.js?

  1. Efficiency: The major advantage of Node.js compared to other runtime environments is that it is extremely fast and responsive.
  2. Open-source: It is an open source environment which means that the community is very active and has a lot of users providing constant feedback.
  3. Constantly expanding: Node.js is increasing its base which means more and more developers are adapting to it which make the technology stay for a long time to come.
  4. Real-time development: Node.js supports the development of apps in real-time
  5. Productivity: Developers using Node.js find that it massively enhances productivity.

What are the disadvantages of using Node.js?

On the other hand, there are disadvantages for using Node.js:

  1. Node.js provides below optimum performance for CPU queries which are intensive.
  2. Node.js provides a lower performance with applications which are of a larger scale.
  3. Node.js also experiences the issue of not being consistent with the application program interface (API).
  4. Another issue which developers face while using Node.js is that they experience low-quality usage of relational databases.

What Is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a document database. It is an open source database which aims to provide continuous application data. MongoDB is designed by its developers to be excellent in scalability. The database is focused on keeping the agile needs of the developers.

MongoDB provides a very diverse functionality which focuses on providing the solution to issues which have a difference between key-value stores with the added advantage of being extremely fast. MongoDB makes sure that it’s easily scalable. It provides a relational database which is rich in functions. The data in MongoDB is stored in key pair values and the tech stack utilises this function over the traditional function of using rows and columns grid. MongoDB is a database which is designed to be unlike NO-SQL. This highlights its use of key pair values unlike the traditional databases.

Advantages Of MongoDB:

  1. Schema-less database: The primary advantage of MongoDb is that it has a schema-less database.
  2. Clear orientation: MongoDB has an object structure which is focused solely on clarity.
  3. Scalability: MongoDB is highly scalable and it focuses on supporting deep queries with a higher quality of tuning.
  4. Accessibility: Developers find that MongoDB is extra useful as it stores the working set in its internal memory, hence providing quicker access to data.

Disadvantages Of MongoDB:

  1. Huge data-size: MongoDB is quite inflexible when it comes to running queries as it has a higher data size.
  2. Lesser support: MongoDB also has no support for conducting transactions.
  3. Inefficiency: MongoDB is currently quite slow in performing the functions of data analysis and its speed can be improved.

What Is The MERN stack?

The MERN stack focuses on being a multipurpose tool which makes it efficient to create applications which are multi purpose. MERN stack includes MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js. The major difference between the two stacks include that MEAN stack has Angular.js whereas the MERN stack has React.js. The advantage of MERN stack is that it is very easy to set up. MERN stack utilises previously considered excellent technology and makes it easier for developers to utilise it.

What Is React.js?

React.js is a JavaScript based library which was created at Facebook in 2013 by Jordan Walke. React.js is used to build user interfaces and is used and maintained by developers and corporations all around the world. React.js is mainly maintained by Facebook and Instagram, being open-source.

React.js focuses on developing applications which are larger and is unique in its way as it provides a support structure in loading new data without the need of page refresh. React.js provides increased speed in the app and in turn gives an easier experience while using the application. The Mobile View Pattern is used in React.js as it utilises the view layer and provides interaction of JavaScript libraries and frameworks.

The advantages of React.js includes it being lightweight. It also utilises the lightweight DOM function which in turn provides an increased performance. It is easier to learn and master the React.js and new developers can get started using this technology. React.js has a better JSX support compared to other frameworks. React.js provides a comparatively better performance than its similar frameworks. The special characteristic of React.js is the support for the virtual DOM which makes it easier for data to be loaded because of which it provides unconditional flow of data.

Which Is better: Angular.js vs. React.js?

The developers around the world prefer the MEAN stack for web development as it is considered the best when it comes to relevant practices of web development. There is a huge number of web developers who prefer using React over Angular.

There is a huge new crowd of developers who either stick with MEAN or MERN instead of Angular or React. This portrays the next level of web development as an increasing majority of web developers are supporting the use of React instead of Angular. The comparison of Angular to React can be unfair as React is just a basic Javascript library whereas Angular is a framework which deals with the front end aspect.

Advantages of Angular.js:

  1. Easy-to-read: The framework specifically procides the right architecture to esnure that the code is organised properly.
  2. Model-View-Controller structure: Angular.js focuses on utilsing the model-view-controller structure in development of Frontend based applications.
  3. Added functionalities: Angular.js also sets itself apart by providing additional functions which help developers in streamlining their processes.
  4. Built-in functions: Angular.js also has a specific build-in function in order to make and call for HTTPS requests.

Angular.js clearly has a lot of advantages over React.js yet both are utilised exactly for one reason: to make the presentation layer of the application to be organised and to be rendered nonchalantly. Angular.js and React.js both utilize MongoDB, Express.js and Node.js which in turn are aimed to achieve the same result.

Disadvantages of Angular.js:

  1. Lower performance: When compared on the basis of performance to other tech stacks like React.js, Angular.js delivers a lower performance rate.
  2. Slower data-binding: Angular.js implements the data binding and digest cycles in a two way manner to enable the view-layer synchronisation with the underlying layer of data. This provides a huge drawback as tens of data items need to updated manually, making it a tedious and expensive process for developers.
  3. State-management: All said and given, the changes of state can be easily detected using this unidirectional data flow and can be extremely useful when there are huge data sets where thousands of records have to be updated and rendered.

MERN vs. MEAN: Which Stack Is Better?

The choosing of the correct stack comes down to the choice of the developer at the end of the day. The two popular stacks in the market right now are the MEAN stack and the MERN stack. It is more advisable for a developer to choose MERN stack if they are only proficient in only React.js. When it comes to projects which are small or medium in size then the difference between using either of the stacks becomes negligible.

The major contributing factor at the end of the day would be the developer’s experience and expertise in using the two stacks and which in turn will result in the completion of the project at the right time. A developer while choosing the correct stack needs to decide on the central aspect of the stack as both the stacks have similar features. Both React.js and Angular.js use business logic to parse for web development.

Why is the MERN stack better?

React.js is preferred in order that it has a higher rate of security for data which are sensitive in nature. React.js also makes it more secure by hiding the actual code from the user which in turn protects the application security. It can be extremely useful and can be increased in terms of the response time when combined with the use of servers.

On the other hand, Angular.js is completely run on the browser of the user. It’s run on the client side in order to save the costs of resources of servers which are run on in the background and this also decreases the latency as a result. In comparison with MERN stack, MEAN stack has a lower churn rate. The need for tooling is lower in MEAN stack compared to the MERN stack. MERN stack performs better over the MEAN stack when it comes to efficiency of utilizing JavaScript fatigue and abstraction. MERN stack also utilizes a virtual DOM which in turn provides a higher rate of efficiency and gives an increased performance compared to MEAN stack.

In Conclusion: How To Choose The Right Tech Stack?

The choosing of the right tech stack requires keeping all the variables in mind. The developer needs to focus on various factors such as the budget for the project and availability of the right team and the timeline to finish the project. He/she can choose either of the two popular tech stacks and fit it in according to his/her goal of the completion of the project.

There are many stacks but these two major stacks are preferred by developers and by corporations from all around the world. As the popularity of these stacks tend to continue, the developer can easily build projects using these stacks as there will be a continuous support and development from the community which utilises these stacks.

Further Resources & Citations:

Source Link: To understand more about how to choose the right tech stack for your project, please go through our whitepaper which will provide you with a detailed account of the same.




Written by CodeCraft

A leading mobile app development company specialising on iPhone, Android, Cloud solutions, User Experience and UI Design.

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